OSAAP’s New Mobile App

Introducing Blue Mobile

Explore OSAAP’s latest application designed for effortless management of shadowboard projects. This comprehensive tool not only enables seamless monitoring of design statuses but also allows you to capture images of new tools directly from your mobile device. Additionally, you can effortlessly initiate new projects and boards, all within a single, user-friendly program.

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Manage Your Projects

The main overview section on the Blue Mobile app will give you a birds eye view of all of your projects. You will be able to see all of your total projects, your total boards, your approval requests and your upload problem notifications. In addition, you can take help photos straight from your phone and upload them straight to your designs from there.

Get Setup on BlueID

Real Time Updates

You will now receive live project updates on your phone. Know where your boards are in our process and receive real-time updates about their status.

Approve or Deny Boards

Approve or Deny board designs straight from your mobile device. The faster a project is approved, the faster it will be manufactured. Creating an efficient process for this step is vital to getting your projects to you as soon as possible.

Book a LIVE demo

Book a demo of our new blue mobile application. Learn live about its capabilities!

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Image Capture

Using the new iPhone’s camera capabilities paired with our light panel solutions we are able to accurately capture dimensions and transfer them into our software. No longer will you need to take an image using one our OSAAP camera setups. The app will have a built in image capture system. This system will let you take an image of your light panel and tools and upload it straight to your project.

An Introduction to BlueMobile


Report a Bug you Found

As this app is in BETA we urge beta testers to let us know if they find any issues.

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Frequently asked questions

Have questions? We’re here to help


What does my Board Status Mean in BlueMobile?

Ability to do specific tasks based on Board Status:

  • Create – Board has been defined – has not entered OA design que yet –
    1. Can upload media in Board Media Upload Page
  • Design – has not entered OA design que yet
    1. Can view Board Details
    2. Can view Board Media
    3. Can upload media in Board Media Upload Page
  • Upload OK– is in OA design que – can not upload any more media because this could cause a conflict or overlooked information if OA has already begun working on the design.
    1. Can view Board Details
    2. Can view Board Media
    3. Can Create a Ticket to provide additional information
  • Design OK – is in OA design que – can not upload any more media because this could cause a conflict or overlooked information if OA has already begun working on the design.
    1. Can view Board Details
    2. Can view Board Media
    3. Can Create a Ticket to provide additional information
  • Upload Problem – design needs more information – ticket exists –
    1. Can view Board Details
    2. Can view Board Media
    3. Can upload media in Board Media Upload Page – NOTE: in Board Media Upload Menu there must be a button when upload is done to alert OA design is ready for review again. –
    4. can Create a Ticket
  • Import Problem- there is a problem with information provided which is being reviewed by OA lead designer – no new information can be uploaded while in designer que
    1. Can view Board Details
    2. Can view Board Media
    3. Can Create a Ticket
  • Approval – design awaiting customer approval
    1. Can view Board Details
    2. Can view Board Media
    3. Click to open Design Approval Page
  • Approval No – in OA design que – a ticket was automatically generated when design was denied
    1. Can view Board Details
    2. Can view Board Media
    3. Can Create a Ticket
  • Approval Yes – design is locked – no new information can be uploaded –
    1. Can not create a ticket – there may be an order in system – must contact Distributor or OA directly.
    2. Can view Board Details
    3. Can view Board Media
  • Manufacture – design is locked – no new information can be uploaded – must contact Distributor or OA directly
    1. Can view Board Details
    2. Can view Board Media
  • Shipped – design is locked
    1. Can view Board Details
    2. Can view Board Media
  • Closed – design is locked – design has been made but will never be made again.
    1. Can view Board Details
    2. Can view Board Media
  • Canceled – design is locked – design was never made and will never be made.
    1. Can view Board Details
    2. Can view Board Media

How to Edit Board Information on BlueMobile?

  1. From the homepage, select Projects
  2. Select the project you want to work on.
  3. Select the board you want to make edits on
  4. Click on the three dots at the top right screen. This will pull up the Edit Board option. 
    1. Select Edit Board
  5. Make any changes that you desire. For more information about the editable content, watch this video or read the article on adding a board to your project:
    1. https://support.osaap.com/knowledge/how-do-i-add-a-board-to-my-project-in-bluemobilehttps://support.osaap.com/knowledge/how-do-i-add-a-board-to-my-project-in-bluemobilehttps://support.osaap.com/knowledge/how-do-i-add-a-board-to-my-project-in-bluemobile
  6. Once you've made your edits to the board, click Save

What is the Difference Between the Web Portal and BlueMobile?

There are 3 primary differences between the Web Portal and BlueMobile

  1. Signing In:
    1. The Web Portal has a project based username with an automatically generated password.
    2. BlueMobile has a Single Sign On feature that allows you to manage all your projects using an email-based username and custom password.
  2. Notifications:
    1. For the Web Portal, you will receive notifications through email.
    2. For BlueMobile, notifications will pop-up on your phone.
  3. Project Management:
    1. For the Web Portal, you can see one project at a time after signing in.
    2. For BlueMobile, you can view all projects attached to your login.https://hf-files-oregon.s3.amazonaws.com/hdpblkcorp_kb_attachments/2016/08-08/0a09b4cf-2ec8-40ea-8389-f2df754aecc1/LD45-Dec-2015.pdf

How do I create a Scanned Image for BlueMobile?

*Make sure to purchase a Light Panel from OSAAP COMMERCE before proceeding*

  1. From the homepage of BlueMobile, select the Projects tab at the bottom.
  2. Select the project you want, then either select an existing board or create a new one.
  3. If you are creating a board, go through the creation process until you reach the Upload Media screen. If a board has already been created, go to the Media tab at the top and select Upload More Media.
  4. Select Scan Image, and then proceed through the pages that appear.
  5. Plug in your light panel from OSAAP COMMERCE into a wall outlet and set on a flat surface. Make sure to work in an area with no direct sunlight or shadows. 
  6. Lay your tools on top of the light panel, ensuring that the tools are at least 1 inch apart from each other and the edge of the light panel. For tall parts, make sure to take a picture separately while putting it in the center of the light panel.
  7. Initiate Scan Image Capture and hold the phone two feet above the light panel. Wait for Light Panel Detection, and then slowly raise the phone until it is 4.5 feet above the light panel. Center the light panel in the capture box and hold the phone steady. Make sure the entire light panel is within the capture box.
  8.  After the image is taken, add an image name and then select Done. If you would like to retake a picture, select Re-Capture. You can also click Save and Take Another Image to continue scanning. 
  9. Scanned images are immediately uploaded to your project for the design team to review. All images are saved in the BlueManager cloud and can be viewed as needed.

How do I Upload Help Information in BlueMobile?

Video Thumbnail

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