Blue Capsule – PROTOTYPE!

Inventory Management and Accountability now monitored with OSAAP’s Blue Capsule

Login Screen

The Blue Capsule will offer two different sign-in solutions. Either scan your personal ID card or use your personal identification code to login to the device.

Tracking which employee last used the system before a tool became missing will be effortless with this capability.

Note: In case of power outage or system failure there is a manual lock at the base of the Blue Capsule to unlock the case and access tools inside.

Camera with 160 degree lens

This Camera captures the entire shadow board allowing the program to analyze if tools are missing or in their designated location. The camera is programmed to capture an image at sign in and sign off.

The Cart

The cart features wheels on the bottom to roll the capsule to its workspace. The box where the shadowboard is held can be pivoted into different positions to best fit the users needs. The cart itself is built with controlled dynamics Angle-Lock TM design for maximized strength and durability.

Buy The Cart Now and Upgrade Later!

An Introduction.

Get in touch

Our team looks forward to hearing from you. Please contact us for information about your application needs.