Foreign Object Debris (FOD)
In many industries, it is critical to eliminate FOD and ensure organization and cleanliness.

Our specialty is one-of-a-kind shadow boards, customized for each unique aircraft engine assembly and repair process, making the aerospace industry our largest marketplace. FOD control is a high priority for aerospace and airport server industries because foreign objects, such as tools, can lead to significant damage to aircrafts. OSAAP follows strict quality control guidelines, to prevent possible FOD or Islands in our boards.

Understanding 5S
One of the biggest competitive advantages that any repair or maintenance service can have, is eliminating waste. Waste refers to much more than wear-and-tear or replacement of damaged tools; it refers to all actions and resources that are not value-added or required. 5S organization and shadow boards for aviation maintenance can help MROs and FBOs decrease waste by reducing time spent on non-essential activities.
Proper tool organization has the greatest effect on wasted motion, therefore decreasing wasted time. Wasted motion refers to any action that does not directly contribute to job completion. While the amount of wasted time is highly variable due to differences in facility size, tooling procedures, and workforce, many MROs and FBOs find that searching for tools can add nearly an hour of time to aviation maintenance..